Fire PRA Documentation (Task 16)
Task Overview
This task provides suggestions for documenting a Fire PRA.
This procedure provides the general practice considered necessary for documenting the Fire PRA and its results.
This procedure covers the recommended documentation of the Fire PRA, including coverage of all the major tasks of the Fire PRA, as outlined in this document.
Related Element of ASME/ANS PRA Standard
Fire PRA documentation, peer review, and maintenance (The ASME PRA Standard discusses PRA configuration control requirements in Section 1-5 of the Standard, but does not define specific supporting requirements for these requirements.)
Related EPRI 1011989 NUREG/CR-6850 Appendices:
Appendix W, Appendix for Chapter 18, Sample Fire PRA Database Structure
Supplemental Guidance
There is no supplemental guidance associated with Fire PRA Documentation (Task 16).