Qualitative Screening (Task 4)

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Task Overview


This task identifies fire analysis compartments that can be shown to have little or no risk significance without quantitative analysis. Fire compartments may be screened out if they contain no components or cables identified in Tasks 2 and 3, and if they cannot lead to a plant trip due to either plant procedures, an automatic trip signal, or technical specification requirements.


This procedure describes the criteria for qualitatively screening the fire compartments defined in Task 1.


This work package addresses the following issues in qualitative screening:

  • Definition of screening criteria and basis, including definition of plant trip initiator and controlled manual shutdown;
  • Reference to Fire PRA component list used in qualitative screening and criteria for equipment selection; and

In most fire IPEEE analyses, the primary containment was qualitatively screened. In this methodology description, the examination of potential risk associated with fires in primary containment will follow steps similar to other locations of the plant.

Related Element(s) of ASME/ANS PRA Standard, ASME-RA-Sb-2013

Qualitative Screening (QLS)

Related EPRI 1011989 NUREG/CR-6850 Appendices

Supplemental Guidance