Plant Fire-Induced Risk Model (Task 5)

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Task Overview


This task discusses steps for the development of a logic model that reflects plant response following a fire. Specific instructions have been provided for treatment of fire-specific procedures or preplans. These procedures may impact availability of functions and components, or include fire-specific operator actions (e.g., self-induced-station-blackout).


This section describes the procedure for developing the Fire PRA Model to calculate CDF, CCDP, LERF, and CLERP for fire events. The procedure addresses the process of implementing temporary or permanent changes to the Internal Events PRA to quantify fire-induced CDF, CCDP, LERF, and CLERP, and for developing special models to address FEPs. The procedure also addresses the transition from temporary changes to permanent changes to the Internal Events PRA Model during the development of the Fire PRA Model.


This procedure addresses the following major steps for developing the Fire PRA Model for calculating CDF/CCDP and LERF/CLERP for fire events.

  • Step 1–Develop the Fire PRA CDF/CCDP Model.
  • Step 2–Develop the Fire PRA LERF/CLERP Model.

Related Element(s) of ASME/ANS PRA Standard, ASME-RA-Sb-2013

Related EPRI 1011989 NUREG/CR-6850 Appendices

Supplemental Guidance